Working with textiles, photography and drawing on Wallumedegal land in Warrang/Sydney, I endeavour to create work that navigates complicated themes hard to write down in words. As a budding botanist, emerging artist, aspiring teacher, amateur auteur and avid bushwalker I am inspired by oral history, musty archives, quiet pockets of the internet, scientific journals, communal objects, Finno-Ugric folklore and an ever pervasive idea of material legacies - the ability for literal fabrics to hold memory and history in much more tangible and potent ways than many other kinds of historical objects.
In my work I often find myself remixing, re-contextualising, and rewriting familial/communal histories and find that themes around memory loss, mistranslation and the role of the artist as storyteller have come to be more prominent in my more recent works. As I further my artistic career, I want to further explore the realm of parafictional and achronological storytelling - expanding limits on what can be considered art and what can be said through it.

photo taken by Ella Scott [Jan 2021]
I often make works in tandem to one other and often disparate series will draw from shared references. Works are neither static nor removed from the situational context in which they were made, and my archive of works seeks hopefully to capture a certain zeitgeist placed under constant scrutiny. Outside of my past work in museum digitisation, copyright and post-production, I support several organisations within the Sydney-Estonian community of which I am passionate to see grow and evolve.