Inglismaal 1949 [2018-19]
upcycled fabric wagga rug/quilt 140x180cmExhibitied, 2019 Kudos Emerging Artist & Designer Awards

Based upon an image of my Vanamamma at the gun club in England 1949 simply titled on the back ‘Inglismaal 1949’. Disjointed and fragmented, it speaks to a past only accessible through my Vanammama’s recalled memory and stories. The figure of the Gunslinger to me is an embodiment of my own imagined mythical figure who protects the past from change, frozen in time and rooted in place, gun loaded and always facing right.
Using the technique of wagga quilt-making, I incorporated multiple garments sourced from friends, Vinnies, Salvos and other local op-shops. The loose, fragmented interweaving of stories and hybridisation of these peoples lives into a single new mythical figure was a fascinating process and conceptual direction I wish to pursue.